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    A staff restaurant how long can you take prescription prilosec Nearly two hundred years later, America is in the grips of a revolution in communication technology even more pervasive than the penny press. The death penalty was resurrected in 1976, after a ten-year-long, nationwide moratorium, and public interest in last meals was rekindled along with the debate over capital punishment. But, initially due to the rapidly merging news and entertainment industries, and eventually to the Internet, the debate was amplified and widened. In 1992, presidential candidate and Arkansas governor Bill Clinton was excoriated over his refusal to stop the execution in his state of Rickey Ray Rector, a man so mentally impaired that he asked to have the slice of pecan pie he had requested as part of his last meal saved so that he could eat it later—and that morbid fact became the story’s enduring detail. Before long, state corrections departments began posting last-meal requests on their websites. Texas, which was the first to do so, shut down its last-meals page in 2003, after it received complaints about the unseemly nature of the content.

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    The comments on the video are fascinating too. There are one or two caustic responses from climate-change sceptics, but most are fervently supportive. “It sounds like a woman screaming”, said one viewer, which seems a bit steep for this wan little ditty. Another says that Crawford should have gone further, by including projected data for the next century. This would have sent his piece skittering off the top end of the cello’s range, and perhaps even beyond human hearing. To me, there’s something slightly creepy about these perfervid responses. It’s a reminder that entering the world of climate change activists means engaging with a cultish mind-set, which likes to read cosmic significance into the smallest sign.

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